Always There Baby


Everyone is born with the right to love and be loved.”


Always there baby, a hip love story, taking you to San Francisco, India and Paris. Worlds apart, but in the same universe.


A contemporary tale about a group of friends unraveling love, life and the meaning of their existence. Nico (a novelist) and his sister Alex (a lost free spirit) have a dark secret that deprives them from maintaining any kind of loving relationship.


Sometimes you have to let go of the idea of what love was to find out what love is.


Thrown into the midst of this love carousel are a host of off-kilter characters that add spice, dimension, complicate matters and give a simple love story an edge that hasnʼt been felt before, or ever again.


And in the end everything is…always there baby.

cast & crew

Director / Writer / Producer: Forest Wise

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